

and welcome to my neck of the internet. i hope you have a nice stay!

my morning mantra

my morning mantra

i have this little letter board right above my desk in my dorm. at the beginning of the year, i filled it with lame vine quotes that would make me laugh, and then motivation to stay positive during the final stretch of last semester. but now, it simply says:

"you give life to what you give energy to"

i read that every morning, and i try to let it set my mind set for the day. i created an analogy that will hopefully make sense...

every day or every time that i focus on something negative in my life, i am watering a bad plant in my life. by watering this plant, i am giving it space in my garden, my life, heart and mind. sometimes i have watered those bad plants so much my good plants start to wither and wilt and i forget about how beautiful those plants are. i forget about how their leaves purify my oxygen, how they brighten my space, and how magnificent they are.

so lately i have tried to shift my focus not on those bad plants, but the good ones. i water them slowly, every day, little by little. i speak goodness into those plants, i read to them, i sing to them... i love them. it may sound silly, but i have felt a change.

don't get me wrong, i still sometimes water those bad plants, but they no longer take up more space than they need to. i sit down with those bad plants, i try to understand how they got planted, what helped them grow, and i softly (but mightily) tell them, "you can stay, but you cannot grow farther than i allow you to."

so when we put our energy into things, whether positive or negative, we give those thoughts LIFE! how powerful that we are able to control the energy that rules our life!

i think half of it is accepting that there is always gonna be some bad plants, but not focusing on the two bad plants. rather, shifting our energy and love to the other hundreds of beautiful plants. because our garden is flourishing with tulips, peonies, and evergreens (or whatever you choose to plant). so we should marvel in their beauty, and embrace their loveliness.

so my challenge for you today, think about the good plants in your life, and choose to water them.

thanks for readin',


SLO happy to be in california

SLO happy to be in california

beginning of april update

beginning of april update